Why I Love Boomerang

Do you ever struggle with email overwhelm?

The ever expanding inbox that brings a not so slight tug of anxiety whenever you see the numbers rising. Well, I sure do!

If you listen to the productivity gurus they would tell you to never check your email first thing in the morning. Wait until noon if you can. Even then, you should only check and respond to email a couple times a day. #batching

That does seem ideal for many reasons. But, not even close to my reality! I check my email all the time, like a little rat in a cage. It turns out that email is an absolute productivity killer!

However, there is one nifty little tool that I couldn’t live without. It’s called Boomerang and it gives me some serious email super powers.

Boomerang lets me take control of when I send and receive email messages. It also allows me to easily set email reminders. Simple, but brilliant.

How it makes my life easier:

I love the idea of inbox zero and strive for it often. I like responding promptly to important emails. I don’t like sending emails and then forgetting to follow up when the person doesn’t reply.

Boomerang makes it super easy to manage my email, not lose track of anything, get reminders when I need them and schedule emails for when I want them to be sent.

How did I ever live without this!

What I love:

  • I can compose emails any time of day or night and send them in the future.
  • I can schedule an email to return to my inbox if the person does not respond.
  • It makes it quite easy to clear my inbox, which just feels good.
  • Setting time sensitive emails to return when I need them, i.e. credit card payment reminders.
  • It works right in my Gmail account and it couldn’t be much easier.

What I don’t love:

There really isn’t much that I dislike about Boomerang.

Some people might not be happy that it only works with Gmail and Outlook. But, seriously if you are still using Yahoo Mail or MSN you might need an intervention. 🙂

I wouldn’t mind if it was free. It really should be included in every email software program.

However, I will gladly pay the $5 per month until Google figures out how to add these features to Gmail.

In conclusion, I love using Boomerang and I wouldn’t want to live without it!

Please comment below and share your tips on how you manage the challenge of email overwhelm!

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