From Website 2 Couch

You are an amazing therapist and people are looking for your services.

Without realizing it, you may be making it harder for them to connect with your practice.

There are some common mistakes that therapists make with their websites that cause unnecessary confusion and frustration for their potential clients.

If you know what they are, you can make some small changes to your site that will make a huge difference. You can make it simple for your ideal clients to find you and get in touch.

This course will help you convert more website visitors to clients by . . .

  • Optimizing the most important parts of your website
  • Creating a ridiculously clear path for new clients to get started
  • Using technology and support staff to eliminate phone tag
  • Automating the initial contact process

You want your website to stand out and create a clear path for people to get the help and healing you so expertly provide!

It will take a little bit of thought and intention. Plus a little bit of clever technology. And a system that will work to fill your practice consistently with the right clients.

Ready to learn how to convert more website visitors to clients?

About the Teacher

Uriah Guilford, MFT

Uriah is a group practice owner and the creator of Productive Therapist. He is a technology nerd, a minimalist travel packer, a rock drummer and business development enthusiast.

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